Basketball Strength Training Clinic With Bodyweight Exercises and 30 Day Challenge

Basketball Bodyweight Strength Building Clinic and Challlenge

Tired of not knowing where to start your workout program?   Scared of the squat rack and deadlifts?   Want to prehab injuries and increase athletic performance?   Are you a parent of a basketball player who wants kids to learn form and function before getting seriously hurt in the weight room?

Attend our Basketball Strength 30 Day Body Weight Workout

When:  Saturday, February 24th, 3 pm

Where: Fitzhugh Baptist Church Gym

Why:  Because healthy basketball strength starts here.   You can, You will.  You must.

Who For:  Any basketball athlete ages 10-40 who cares about strengthening health and performance safely.

Who By:  Rusty Gregory is Chris Corbett’s pick for the top personal trainer in Austin.   He is uniquely committed to the health of young basketball players and has the highest education and lifelong learning path to back it up.   Rusty is conservative on the risk/reward ratio of exercise science and Chris views him as critical to the path of young basketball athletes pursuit of greatness.  Chris and Rusty have identified the problems, the challenges, and the opportunities for creating basketball strength.   Bodyweight exercises serve as the foundation, and entry ramp to healthy lifting.   Rusty has crafted the solution to your ambition and backs it up with a scientific program.   Once a serious weightlifting program begins, these exercises should still remain part of the program and also serve as the no excuses opportunity to work out, regardless of location etc.  You can check him out more here at

Price:   Fierce Pricing: $23    Regular Pricing: $43



Registration to first 40 people includes video course to support the efforts of your athletes well after the clinic ends. 

The course is a $49 value.   

The 30-Day Workout Challenge (The Challenge) is a basketball-specific workout program designed to initiate your off-season basketball training plan. It will help create a foundation of strength in preparation for other more advanced training programs in this series (e.g. resistance training program, vertical jumping workout program, and plyometric program). Additionally, many of the exercises in The Challenge, strengthen muscles that will be used in the game of basketball. The Challenge Clinic will be accompanied by the by video course demonstrating proper exercise technique.

Rest Periods: NO rest between exercises or after sets where a rest time is NOT given. Rest between sets is listed next to the exercises.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this program is to assist male and female youth basketball players in enhancing his or her strength and power for the game of basketball. With any physical training program injury is a risk. It is imperative that the program be adhered to as stated for maximum results and a reduction in that risk of injury. Consult with your licensed physician or healthcare provider before beginning this training program for his or her professional advice regarding this program and your involvement in it. Train smart and hard and most of all, HAVE FUN!

Follow the program as it is written … Train hard and enjoy the process! Maximum Effort = Maximum Results

Rusty Gregory, MS, CSCS is the coauthor of Living Wheat-Free for Dummies (Wiley Publishing). He received his B.S. (Commercial and Industrial Fitness) in 1989 from Texas Tech University and his M.S. (Kinesiology) in 1991 from the University of Michigan. In 1991, he began his personal training business in Austin, Texas, and became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). In 1995, he opened Forte Personal Fitness, a private personal fitness studio where he trains athletes from a multitude of sports and people of all ages, health backgrounds, and physical limitations.