Team Training

Austin girls select basketball dinnerFierce has a very specific curriculum for each player on the team.  That curriculum becomes customized to the player and where they are at.  Because Fierce is a competitive select program, we have expectations that players perform basketball fundamentals properly and continue to grow.  Our training will focus on the lowest hanging fruit to improve, and also on the long-term goals of players becoming varsity basketball players and perhaps beyond.

We do not share our exact curriculum on the internet but are happy to show our curriculum to parents in person and also describe how it relates specifically to their player.

Our curriculum is based on all of our experiences… from the playgrounds of NYC, to certification as a USA Basketball Coach and Trainer, to ownership of the elite basketball training group at, to lifelong learning across coaching clinics and personally designed learning experiences and our work at Austin Youth Basketball.    The rules for basketball proficiency are the same for everyone, how you get girls there is a bit different for all of them.