Fierce Summer Basketball Options

Austin Girls Player Development

Real Run Wednesdays

Austin-Pickup-Basketball1-1024x725Real Run on Wednesday nights at 7:30.   There are 5 sessions remaining.   Fierce pricing is only $75 because we know you will miss some sessions due to vacation but really want your support on this program.


Training Group Mondays at 6pm

10 spots available which means with illnesses & vacations we should average 8 players at this time.   If we run over, we can evaluate if I have the bandwidth to add another group on another day.   This is a pay whether you come or don’t program… no makeups available.   My schedule starts to fill in July for the upcoming season, so now is the best time to jump on board.    Normally this is a $180 per month fee (4.5 sessions per month @$40 per session.  We try to keep ratio of player to trainer approx. at 4:1 and when it rises above that due to my absence on vacation etc… we move to the types of drills they will see in tryouts and also that need larger groups to execute. There are two sessions in June and here is the payment option for June. July will be $149 value price for Fierce members.

This will become more focused on addressing the individual needs of our players and helping them reach their goals.   Whoever joins these groups will also receive our solo training app which will help your child get better on their own with drills and workouts designed by my company Basketball HQ.  All videos and workouts are designed by college or pro coaches and demonstrated by college or pro players.   This app normally costs $13 – $24 per month.  Here is a video that preview that:

Please send me your child’s email address so they can get the invitation to the app.   It is a great tool for the self-motivated player.


Austin Basketball Girls Fall LeagueGIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP

Monday thru Thursday June 25- 28th, 2018

Location: Fitzhugh Baptist Church

Director: Chris Corbett

Ages 11-17

8:30am – 12:30pm

Price $169  – Early Bird $152 by 5/1/2018  FIERCE VALUE PRICE: $135